How to Reinstall SSH Keys on a Vultr Optimized Cloud Compute Instance

Updated on November 27, 2024

SSH keys enable the automatic authentication of users over SSH without a password to access your instance. Reinstalling SSH keys wipes the instance and reinstalls the operating system to apply a new SSH key details.

Follow this guide to reinstall SSH keys on a Vultr Optimized Cloud Compute instance using the Vultr Customer Portal.

  • Vultr Customer Portal
  1. Navigate to Products and click Compute.

    Vultr Customer Portal

  2. Click your target instance to open its management page.

    View active instance subscriptions

  3. Navigate to the Settings tab.

    Navigate to the Settings Tab

  4. Find and click Reinstall SSH Keys on the left navigation menu.

    Access the Reinstall SSH Keys option

  5. Click the target SSH key available in your Vultr account, and click Reinstall to add the key.

    Add new SSH Key

  6. Check the confirmation prompt and click Reinstall SSH Keys to apply changes, reinstall the server file system and enable the new key.

    Reinstall SSH Key Confirmation