Python type() - Determine Object Type

Updated on September 27, 2024
type() header image


The type() function in Python is a straightforward yet powerful tool used to determine the type of a given object. Whether you're debugging or validating data in a Python application, knowing the type of objects you're working with is essential for effective programming and troubleshooting.

In this article, you will learn how to use the type() function to ascertain the type of various Python objects. Understand how to implement this function in different contexts, including checking simple data types, complex data structures, and custom objects.

Basic Usage of type()

Determine the Type of Literal Values

  1. Explore the type of various literal values such as integers, strings, and booleans:

    integer_type = type(5)
    string_type = type("Hello")
    boolean_type = type(True)

    This code snippet provides the type of basic literals where integer_type will output <class 'int'>, string_type will show <class 'str'>, and boolean_type will return <class 'bool'>.

Check the Type of Data Structures

  1. Identify the type of common data structures like list, dictionary, and tuple:

    list_type = type([1, 2, 3])
    dict_type = type({'key': 'value'})
    tuple_type = type((1, 2, 3))

    Here, list_type contains <class 'list'>, dict_type is <class 'dict'>, and tuple_type reveals <class 'tuple'>. This helps verify the object types when working with collections.

Advanced Usage with Custom Objects

Identify User-defined Classes

  1. Define a custom class and check its type:

    class MyCustomClass:
    custom_class_instance = MyCustomClass()
    custom_class_type = type(custom_class_instance)

    In this example, custom_class_type will provide the output <class '__main__.MyCustomClass'>, indicating the type corresponds to the user-defined class MyCustomClass.

Utilize type() in Function Definitions

  1. Implement type() within functions to control behavior based on the argument type:

    def handle_input(input_var):
        if type(input_var) is int:
            return "Handling integer"
        elif type(input_var) is str:
            return "Handling string"
            return "Type not supported"
    # Example usage
    response = handle_input(100)
    response_str = handle_input("Hello")

    This function handle_input behaves differently depending on the type of input_var. It provides a focused mechanism for branching operations based on data type.


The type() function in Python is a fundamental tool that facilitates type checking and helps developers manage data more effectively in their applications. From simple type checks on primitive data types to more complex evaluations involving user-defined classes, type() serves as a reliable and straightforward approach to determine the type of an object. By mastering the use of type() in various scenarios, you enhance your ability to design flexible and error-resistant code.