Python Program to Differentiate Between type() and isinstance()

Updated on September 30, 2024
Differentiate Between type() and isinstance() header image


Understanding the differences between the type() function and the isinstance() function in Python is crucial for effective type checking and writing more adaptable, maintainable code. While both are used to check the type of variables, they each serve unique roles and are appropriate in different scenarios.

In this article, you will learn how to distinguish and appropriately use type() and isinstance() through practical examples. This knowledge will aid in enhancing flexibility in handling polymorphism and ensuring that the guidelines of Python's dynamic typing are met efficiently.

Using type()

type() is used to obtain the type of the given object. This function is straightforward and is often used when you only need to know the exact type of an object.

Example to Demonstrate type()

  1. Define a variable with a specific data type.

  2. Use the type() function to check the type of the variable.

    my_var = 10

    This code will output <class 'int'>, indicating that my_var is an integer.

Limitations of type()

  • Fails to recognize subclasses as an instance of a parent class.
  • Suitable when exact type checking (without considering inheritance) is required.

Using isinstance()

isinstance() checks if an object is an instance of a class or a tuple of classes. It's more flexible than type() because it supports class inheritance, making it ideal in many object-oriented programming scenarios.

Example to Demonstrate isinstance()

  1. Define a class and a subclass.

  2. Create an instance of the subclass.

  3. Use isinstance() to check if the object is an instance of the parent class.

    class Parent:
    class Child(Parent):
    child_instance = Child()
    print(isinstance(child_instance, Parent))

    This code will output True, demonstrating that child_instance is recognized as an instance of both Child and its parent class Parent.

Benefits of isinstance()

  • Acknowledges class inheritance.
  • More flexible in checking types, which is useful in polymorphism.

Comparative Study Through Examples

Understanding when to use type() vs isinstance() can be highlighted by a side-by-side comparison:

  1. Create a class and subclass as before.

  2. Compare the behavior of type() and isinstance() with an instance of the subclass.

    class Base:
    class Derived(Base):
    derived_instance = Derived()
    # Using type()
    print(type(derived_instance) == Base)  # Outputs: False
    # Using isinstance()
    print(isinstance(derived_instance, Base))  # Outputs: True

    Here, type() checks for exact type matching, while isinstance() considers the inheritance chain.


Choosing between type() and isinstance() depends largely on the specific requirements of your program. Use type() when you need to assert exact type equality without regard for inheritance. Opt for isinstance() when dealing with object-oriented designs where an object's ability to behave as an instance of its parent class (or classes) is necessary. By utilizing these functions appropriately, you ensure the robustness and flexibility of your Python code.