JavaScript Program to Find the Square Root

Updated on September 30, 2024
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Finding the square root of a number is a common operation in many computing scenarios, from basic arithmetic to advanced mathematical computations in various applications. JavaScript, being a versatile scripting language, provides straightforward methods to perform this task efficiently.

In this article, you will learn how to calculate the square root of a number using JavaScript. This includes using the built-in Math library, handling edge cases, and ensuring your code is robust and user-friendly through practical examples.

Using the Math.sqrt() Method

The Math.sqrt() function in JavaScript is used to calculate the square root of a number. This built-in method returns the square root of a specified number, and will return NaN if the number is negative or not a number.

Calculate Square Root of a Positive Number

To find the square root of a positive number:

  1. Define a positive number.

  2. Apply the Math.sqrt() function and display the result.

    let number = 16;
    let squareRoot = Math.sqrt(number);
    console.log(squareRoot); // Outputs: 4

    Here, Math.sqrt(number) calculates the square root of 16, which is 4. This method is simple and effective for straightforward square root calculations.

Handle Non-Numeric Inputs

To ensure the function handles non-numeric and negative inputs properly:

  1. Create a function that checks if the input is a non-negative number.

  2. Use Math.sqrt() to calculate the square root if the input is valid.

  3. Return an appropriate message if the input is invalid.

    function findSquareRoot(input) {
        if (typeof input !== 'number' || input < 0) {
            return 'Please enter a non-negative number';
        return Math.sqrt(input);
    console.log(findSquareRoot(25)); // Outputs: 5
    console.log(findSquareRoot(-1)); // Outputs: Please enter a non-negative number

    This function first verifies the input to be a number and non-negative. If the input fails the check, it informs the user to provide a valid number.

Dealing with Zero and Infinity

Handling zero and infinity as inputs:

  1. Understand the behavior of Math.sqrt() for special cases.

  2. Run examples to observe the outputs for zero and infinity.

    console.log(Math.sqrt(0));  // Outputs: 0
    console.log(Math.sqrt(Infinity));  // Outputs: Infinity

    In JavaScript, the square root of zero is zero, and the square root of infinity is infinity. These edge cases are handled elegantly by Math.sqrt().


Using Math.sqrt() in JavaScript allows you to effectively calculate the square root of numbers including handling of special cases like non-numeric values, zero, and infinity. By leveraging the built-in Math library, ensure your applications can perform this mathematical computation reliably and efficiently. Apply these techniques to enhance numeric processing tasks in your projects, ensuring they cater to a broad range of input scenarios.