Python sum() - Sum Iterable Values

Updated on November 25, 2024
sum() header image


The sum() function in Python provides a straightforward way to calculate the total of the numbers in an iterable, such as a list or tuple. This function is a core part of Python's functionality, allowing programmers to quickly perform arithmetic operations on collections of numerical data without needing to write explicit loops for addition.

In this article, you will learn how to use the sum() function to sum values in different types of iterables. You will also explore how to apply this function to more complex scenarios, such as when working with lists of lists or when needing to start the summation from a number other than zero.

Basic Usage of sum()

Sum a List of Numbers

  1. Create a list of numeric values.

  2. Use the sum() function to calculate the total.

    numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40]
    total = sum(numbers)

    The code above calculates the sum of values in the list numbers. The output will be 100 as it adds up all the numbers in the list.

Sum a Tuple of Numbers

  1. Define a tuple containing some numbers.

  2. Apply the sum() function to get the accumulated result.

    data = (1, 2, 3, 4)
    result = sum(data)

    This snippet sums up the numbers in the tuple data, resulting in 10.

Advanced Usage of sum()

Sum with a Starting Value

  1. Recognize that sum() can accept a second parameter as the starting value.

  2. Sum a list starting from a value other than zero.

    numbers = [5, 10, 15]
    starting_value = 100
    total = sum(numbers, starting_value)

    By specifying 100 as the starting value, this function call calculates a total of 130. The summation starts from 100 and adds each element from the list.

Sum Nested Lists

  1. For summing nested lists, first flatten the list.

  2. Sum the flattened list using the sum() function.

    nested_lists = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
    flattened_list = [item for sublist in nested_lists for item in sublist]
    total = sum(flattened_list)

    This code first flattens nested_lists into flattened_list using a list comprehension, then calculates the sum of the flattened list, resulting in 21.


The sum() function in Python is a versatile and efficient method for aggregating numbers from an iterable. From summing straightforward lists and tuples to working with nested collections and specifying a different starting point, sum() covers a broad range of needs in numerical data processing. By mastering the various contexts and capabilities of this function, you ensure your code is concise, readable, and efficient in performing summation tasks.