Python Pandas DataFrame resample() - Resample Time Series

Updated on December 26, 2024
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The resample() method in the Pandas library is a powerful tool for resampling time series data, allowing you to convert the time series to a specified frequency. This functionality is especially useful in financial analyses, weather data processing, and any field requiring time series manipulation to make data more digestible or to align it with other time series.

In this article, you will learn how to effectively utilize the resample() method in various data manipulation scenarios involving time series. You'll explore practical examples that demonstrate how to downsample and upsample data, aggregate different time series data points, and utilize custom resampling strategies.

Basic Concepts of Resampling

Understanding the resample() Method

  1. Import the Pandas library

  2. Create a DateTime index using pd.date_range()

  3. Initialize a DataFrame with the DateTime index

  4. Resample the data at a different frequency

    import pandas as pd
    # Create a date range
    date_rng = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2022', end='1/10/2022', freq='D')
    # Create DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(date_rng, columns=['date'])
    df['data'] = range(10)
    # Resample the DataFrame
    df_resampled = df.resample('2D', on='date').sum()

    In this example, data is resampled from daily to a two-day frequency using '2D'. The sum() function aggregates values over each 2-day period.

Downsampling and Aggregating

  1. Choose a downsampling frequency like 'W' for weekly

  2. Apply an aggregation method like mean, sum, or custom function

    weekly_resampled = df.set_index('date').resample('W').mean()

    This code changes the sampling frequency to weekly and calculates the average of data points within each week.

Advanced Resampling Techniques

Using Custom Resampling Functions

  1. Define a custom function to customise data aggregation

  2. Apply the custom function during the resampling process

    def custom_resample(array):
        return max(array) - min(array)
    df_custom_resampled = df.set_index('date').resample('3D').apply(custom_resample)

    This approach uses a custom function that calculates the range (difference between max and min) over each period specified.

Resampling with Multiple Aggregations

  1. Specify multiple aggregation functions simultaneously

  2. Apply these aggregations to the resampled data

    resampled_multi_agg = df.set_index('date').resample('W').agg(['mean', 'sum', 'std'])

    This example demonstrates how to compute the mean, sum, and standard deviation on a weekly basis.

Handling Missing Data in Resampling

  1. Resample the original data set

  2. Use methods like fillna() or interpolate() to handle missing data post-resampling

    daily_resampled = df.set_index('date').resample('D').mean().interpolate(method='linear')

    This line demonstrates resampling to daily frequency, computing the mean, and using linear interpolation to fill in any resulting missing values.

Resampling Multi-Index DataFrames

Resampling When There are Multiple Levels in Index

  1. Ensure the DateTime index is set with set_index()

  2. Apply resampling on a specific level using the level parameter

    multi_index_df = df.set_index(['category', 'date'])
    resampled_multi_index = multi_index_df.resample('M', level='date').sum()

    Here, the resampling is applied at a monthly level on the date index of a multi-index DataFrame.


Mastering the resample() method in Pandas allows you to manipulate time-series data effectively and flexibly. From basic downsampling and aggregation to complex scenarios involving multi-index DataFrames or custom aggregation functions, you've seen how versatile this tool can be in various analytical contexts. Apply these techniques to your datasets to improve the quality and interpretability of your temporal data analyses, ensuring more reliable and insightful outcomes.