Python Pandas DataFrame var() - Compute Variance

Updated on December 30, 2024
var() header image


The var() function in the Python Pandas library is essential for statistical analysis, specifically for computing the variance of a dataset. Variance is a measure of the spread between numbers in a data set. More technically, it measures how far each number in the set is from the mean and thus from every other number in the set. This function can be crucial in fields such as finance, research, and any domain that requires data exploration.

In this article, you will learn how to harness the power of the var() function on Pandas DataFrames to calculate variance. The discussion covers basic variance calculation, handling missing data, and variance calculation with different degrees of freedom. By the end, you will understand how to apply these techniques to real-world datasets effectively.

Basic Variance Calculation

Compute Variance for a Single Column

  1. Begin by importing the Pandas library and creating a DataFrame.

  2. Select a column and apply the var() function to compute the variance.

    import pandas as pd
    # Sample data
    data = {'scores': [100, 85, 75, 90, 70]}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    # Variance of the scores
    variance_scores = df['scores'].var()

    This code initializes a DataFrame with a single column called scores. The variance of the scores is calculated using the var() method. The result shows the variability of the scores in the dataset.

Compute Variance for the Entire DataFrame

  1. Utilize a DataFrame with multiple columns.

  2. Apply the var() function directly to the DataFrame to compute the variance for all columns.

    # Creating a DataFrame with multiple columns
    data = {
        'math_scores': [80, 90, 70, 85],
        'english_scores': [88, 92, 85, 89]
    df_mult = pd.DataFrame(data)
    # Variance of the entire DataFrame
    variances = df_mult.var()

    The code generates a DataFrame with scores from two subjects, and then calculates the variance for both columns simultaneously. The output, variances, is a Pandas Series showing the variance for both the mathematics and English scores.

Handling Missing Data

Ignore Missing Values

  1. Create a DataFrame that includes NaN values.

  2. Use the var() method with the skipna=True option to calculate variance while ignoring NaN values.

    import numpy as np
    # DataFrame with missing values
    data_with_nan = {'scores': [95, np.nan, 85, 90, np.nan]}
    df_nan = pd.DataFrame(data_with_nan)
    # Compute variance ignoring NaN
    variance_ignore_nan = df_nan['scores'].var(skipna=True)

    This approach calculates the variance while simply skipping over any NaN values. Even with the missing data points, the function provides the variance of the available numbers.

Consider Missing Values as Zero

  1. Fill NaN values with zero and then calculate the variance.

  2. Use the fillna() function before applying var().

    # Fill NaN values with zero
    df_filled = df_nan.fillna(0)
    # Variance with NaN replaced by zero
    variance_with_zero = df_filled['scores'].var()

    Here, NaN values are replaced with zero, which can significantly affect the variance calculation depending on the context of the data and its range.

Variance with Different Degrees of Freedom

Adjust Degrees of Freedom

  1. Customize the degrees of freedom using the ddof parameter in the var() function.

  2. By default, ddof=1, but it can be adjusted to ddof=0 for population variance.

    # Compute population variance (ddof=0)
    population_variance = df['scores'].var(ddof=0)

    Adjusting the degrees of freedom can shift the variance calculation from a sample variance (default) to a population variance, which does not bias the variance estimate for the size of the sample.


The var() function in Pandas is a robust tool for computing variance, accommodating a range of needs from simple column-based variance calculations to complex scenarios involving missing data and custom degrees of freedom. Mastery of this function can significantly aid in statistical analysis and data exploration. Implement these techniques to enhance the analytical power of your Python scripts and to draw meaningful insights from your data.