C Program to Store Information of Students Using Structure

Updated on December 13, 2024
Store information of students using structure header image


Structures in C programming are powerful tools used for grouping different data types into a single unit. They are essential for managing more complex data, such as records or sets of related information. Specifically, they are well-suited for building applications like a student information system, where multiple attributes need to be maintained under a single student entity.

In this article, you will learn how to utilize structures in C to manage and store information about students. You'll see how to define structures, initialize them, and use them effectively to hold data like names, IDs, and grades in an organized way.

Defining a Student Structure

Creating a Basic Structure for Student Details

  1. Define a structure named Student to store the name, ID, and grade of a student.

    #include <stdio.h>
    typedef struct {
        char name[100];
        int id;
        float grade;
    } Student;

    Here, a Student structure is defined with three fields: a name (as a string of characters), an id (as an integer), and a grade (as a floating-point number).

Initializing Structure Instances

  1. Initialize an instance of Student within the main function.

    int main() {
        Student stud1 = {"John Doe", 1204, 89.5};
        printf("Name: %s\nID: %d\nGrade: %.2f\n", stud1.name, stud1.id, stud1.grade);
        return 0;

    Here, stud1 is created and initialized with exemplary details. The structure's information is then printed to the standard output.

Manipulating Students' Information

Modifying Student Details

  1. Access and modify the member of a structure using the dot operator.

    int main() {
        Student stud1 = {"John Doe", 1204, 89.5};
        // Modifying the student's grade
        stud1.grade = 91.5;
        printf("Updated Grade: %.2f\n", stud1.grade);
        return 0;

    This snippet alters stud1's grade and demonstrates how to update a field in a structure post-initialization.

Working with Multiple Students

  1. Declare an array of Student structures to manage multiple student records.

    int main() {
        Student class[3] = {
            {"John Doe", 1204, 89.5},
            {"Jane Smith", 1205, 93.2},
            {"Alice Johnson", 1206, 88.1}
        // Accessing the second student's data
        printf("Name: %s\nID: %d\nGrade: %.2f\n", class[1].name, class[1].id, class[1].grade);
        return 0;

    The above code initializes an array of Student structures and prints the details of the second student in this list.


Using structures in C programming to store and manage student information allows for more organized and accessible data handling. With the capacity to group related data under one roof and operate on these groups through array mechanisms, handling student records becomes straightforward and efficient. Enhance this further by integrating functions for better manipulation, search, and sort operations to fully utilize the capabilities of structures in student data management tasks.