Java HashMap clone() - Create Copy of Map

Updated on November 15, 2024
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The clone() method in Java's HashMap class provides a way to create a shallow copy of the existing map. This functionality is particularly useful when you want to maintain a separate copy of your map where modifications to the copied map do not affect the original map directly, although it's crucial to understand that this is a shallow copy, not a deep copy. This means only the structure of the map is copied, but the references to the objects remain the same.

In this article, you will learn how to leverage the clone() method to copy HashMap instances effectively. Explore how to implement cloning, recognize its limitations, and differentiate between shallow and deep copying.

Utilizing HashMap clone() Method

Basic HashMap Cloning

  1. Create and populate a HashMap.

  2. Clone the HashMap using the clone() method.

    import java.util.HashMap;
    HashMap<Integer, String> originalMap = new HashMap<>();
    originalMap.put(1, "One");
    originalMap.put(2, "Two");
    originalMap.put(3, "Three");
    HashMap<Integer, String> clonedMap = (HashMap<Integer, String>) originalMap.clone();
    System.out.println("Cloned Map: " + clonedMap);

    This code snippet creates a HashMap, populates it with some key-value pairs, and then makes a shallow copy using clone(). Printing clonedMap will show the same contents as originalMap.

Understanding Shallow Copy

  1. Modify an entry in the cloned HashMap that links to a mutable object.

  2. Check the effect of this change on the original map.

    HashMap<Integer, StringBuilder> originalMap = new HashMap<>();
    originalMap.put(1, new StringBuilder("One"));
    originalMap.put(2, new StringBuilder("Two"));
    HashMap<Integer, StringBuilder> clonedMap = (HashMap<Integer, StringBuilder>) originalMap.clone();
    // Modify the StringBuilder value in the cloned map
    clonedMap.get(1).append(" Modified");
    System.out.println("Original Map: " + originalMap);
    System.out.println("Cloned Map: " + clonedMap);

    Here, modifying the StringBuilder object in clonedMap impacts the corresponding entry in originalMap as well, showcasing the shallow nature of clone().

Implementing a Deep Copy (Custom cloning)

  1. Manually copy both keys and values if they are mutable.

    HashMap<Integer, StringBuilder> deepCloneMap = new HashMap<>();
    originalMap.forEach((key, value) -> deepCloneMap.put(new Integer(key), new StringBuilder(value.toString())));
    // Now modify the StringBuilder in the cloned map
    deepCloneMap.get(1).append(" Deeply Modified");
    System.out.println("Original Map: " + originalMap);
    System.out.println("Deep Clone Map: " + deepCloneMap);

    This snippet manually creates a deep copy of originalMap by creating new instances of each key and value. Changes to deepCloneMap do not affect originalMap, demonstrating true independence.


The clone() method in Java's HashMap provides a convenient approach for creating a shallow copy of a map. While this method can be suitable for many scenarios, it's important to recognize the limitations of shallow copying, especially when working with mutable objects. For deep copying, manual implementation is necessary to avoid unintended data sharing. With this knowledge, confidently manage and manipulate copied HashMap instances in Java according to your application's needs.