JavaScript Program to Illustrate Different Set Operations

Updated on December 18, 2024
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The Set object in JavaScript allows you to store unique values of any type, whether primitive values or object references. It is especially handy in situations requiring uniqueness among the elements stored, promoting both efficiency and ease of data manipulation. The fact that all values in a Set are unique simplifies many common tasks in programming, such as removing duplicates from an array or performing various set operations like union, intersection, and difference.

In this article, you will learn how to use the Set object in JavaScript to perform a range of set operations. Explore detailed examples that demonstrate how to implement union, intersection, difference, and subset checks effectively using JavaScript. Each section is accompanied by code snippets and explanations to ensure you can integrate these patterns into your projects seamlessly.

Basic Set Operations in JavaScript

Creating a Set and Adding Elements

  1. Initialize a new Set.

  2. Add elements to the Set using the add method.

    const fruits = new Set();

    This code snippet creates a Set named fruits and adds three elements to it: "apple", "banana", and "orange".

Checking for Element Existence

  1. Use the has method to check if an element is in the Set.

    console.log(fruits.has("banana")); // outputs: true
    console.log(fruits.has("grape"));  // outputs: false

    The has method confirms whether "banana" is present, returning true, and checks "grape", which is not in the Set, thus returning false.

Advanced Set Operations

Performing a Union of Two Sets

  1. Define two sets with different elements.

  2. Use the spread operator to combine them into a new Set, effectively performing the union.

    const setA = new Set([1, 2, 3]);
    const setB = new Set([3, 4, 5]);
    const union = new Set([...setA, ...setB]);
    console.log(union);  // outputs: Set(5) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

    This merges setA and setB, where the resulting Set includes all elements from both contributing sets, demonstrating the union operation.

Finding the Intersection of Two Sets

  1. Identify elements common to both sets by filtering one Set based on the contents of the other.

    const intersection = new Set([...setA].filter(x => setB.has(x)));
    console.log(intersection);  // outputs: Set(1) {3}

    Here, filtering through setA with the condition that elements must also exist in setB gives the intersection, which contains only the element 3.

Calculating the Difference between Two Sets

  1. Use filtering to find elements in one Set that are not in another.

    const difference = new Set([...setA].filter(x => !setB.has(x)));
    console.log(difference);  // outputs: Set(2) {1, 2}

    The difference operation here yields a Set of elements that are in setA but not in setB, namely 1 and 2.

Checking if One Set is a Subset of Another

  1. Determine if all elements of one Set exist within another Set.

    const isSubset = [...setA].every(element => setB.has(element));
    console.log(isSubset);  // outputs: false

    This operation checks if every element in setA is also in setB. Since not all are, it returns false, indicating setA is not a subset of setB.


Set operations in JavaScript are powerful tools that help manage collections of data effectively and efficiently. By utilizing the Set object, you can ensure uniqueness and easily perform standard set operations like union, intersection, difference, and checking subsets. The techniques discussed here are fundamental for data manipulation, allowing you to handle large datasets and complex data structures effortlessly. Integrate these operations in your JavaScript projects to simplify and enhance your code management and data integrity.