JavaScript Array includes() - Determine Presence in Array

Updated on November 28, 2024
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The includes() method in JavaScript is a straightforward and efficient way to determine if an array contains a specific value. This approach is particularly useful when you need to check for the presence of an element without performing additional operations like mapping or filtering. It simplifies many tasks that involve condition checking and array manipulation.

In this article, you will learn how to effectively use the includes() method in various scenarios. Explore how to implement this method to enhance code readability and efficiency, from checking simple presence to applying it in conditions with logical operators.

Using includes() in Basic Scenarios

Check for Element Presence

  1. Define an array with several elements.

  2. Use the includes() method to check if a specific element exists in the array.

    const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'];
    const hasBanana = fruits.includes('banana');

    This code checks if 'banana' is present in the fruits array. Since 'banana' is indeed a part of the array, includes() returns true.

Case Sensitivity in Searches

  1. Recognize that includes() is case-sensitive.

  2. Compare elements using similar casing or adjust the array elements' case before checking.

    const tools = ['Hammer', 'Screwdriver', 'Wrench'];
    const hasScrewdriver = tools.includes('screwdriver');

    Here, includes() checks for 'screwdriver' in an array where the corresponding element is 'Screwdriver', resulting in false due to case mismatch.

Combining includes() with Logical Operations

Using includes() with Logical AND

  1. Determine if multiple specific elements are present in the array using logical AND.

  2. Apply includes() multiple times to check for different elements.

    const colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
    const hasRedAndBlue = colors.includes('red') && colors.includes('blue');

    This code tests whether both 'red' and 'blue' exist in the colors array. Both elements are found, so the expression returns true.

Using includes() with Logical OR

  1. Check if at least one of several elements is present in the array using logical OR.

  2. Utilize includes() to evaluate the presence of any one of the listed items.

    const pets = ['dog', 'cat', 'parrot'];
    const hasCatOrParrot = pets.includes('cat') || pets.includes('parrot');

    In this snippet, the code checks if either 'cat' or 'parrot' is in the pets array. Since both are present, it results in true.

Advanced Usage of includes()

Checking Subsets within Arrays

  1. Consider wanting to know if all elements of one array exist within another.

  2. Use every() in conjunction with includes() to determine this.

    const set1 = ['a', 'b'];
    const set2 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
    const isSubset = set1.every(elem => set2.includes(elem));

    This code checks if every element in set1 is present in set2. Since all elements match, it outputs true.


The includes() method in JavaScript is a vital tool for quickly verifying the presence of elements within arrays. By using this method, you enhance your code's efficiency and readability, particularly in scenarios requiring the presence checks of various elements. Whether you're dealing with simple arrays or complex logic involving multiple conditions, includes() provides a clear and effective solution for managing array-related checks. Implement these techniques to ensure your JavaScript code is concise, maintainable, and efficient.