Java String substring() - Extract Substring

Updated on January 1, 2025
substring() header image


The substring() method in Java is a fundamental tool for string manipulation, allowing developers to extract specific parts of a string based on given index positions. This method is incredibly useful for tasks such as parsing data, cleaning inputs, and preparing text for further processing or display.

In this article, you will learn how to efficiently use the substring() method in Java. This guide covers different ways to apply this method, ensuring you can adapt its use to various scenarios and understand the handling of edge cases.

Understanding the substring() Method

The substring() method in Java is available in two variations, each serving to extract parts of a string based on different sets of parameters:

  • substring(int beginIndex): This version takes a single argument, the starting index, and returns a substring from this index to the end of the string.
  • substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex): This version takes two arguments, the starting index and the ending index, and returns a substring starting at the beginIndex and extending up to, but not including, the endIndex.

Basic Usage of substring()

  1. To extract a substring from a given string using only the starting index:

    String str = "Hello World";
    String result = str.substring(6);

    This snippet extracts the substring starting from index '6' to the end of the string str, which results in "World".

  2. To extract a substring using both the starting and ending indices:

    String str = "Hello World";
    String result = str.substring(0, 5);

    Here, the substring starting at index '0' and ending before index '5' is extracted, resulting in "Hello".

Handling Exceptions with substring()

It is essential to handle potential exceptions that might arise from inappropriate index values:

  1. IndexOutOfBoundsException can occur if either beginIndex is negative, endIndex is larger than the string's length, or beginIndex is greater than endIndex.

    try {
        String str = "Hello World";
        String result = str.substring(12); // This line will throw an exception
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        System.out.println("Index is out of bounds: " + e.getMessage());

    This code block illustrates handling an exception when the provided index is beyond the string's length.

Advanced Scenarios Using substring()

Extracting Substrings in Loops

Looping over a string to extract multiple substrings is a common use case, for example, parsing a formatted data string:

  1. Consider a scenario where you want to extract words separately from a string containing space-separated words:

    String sentence = "Java substring method";
    String[] words = sentence.split(" ");
    for(String word : words) {

    Here, you first split the string into words and then could use substring() if more specific text manipulation was needed inside the loop.

Using substring() with Other String Methods

Combining substring() with other string methods can powerfully refine text processing capabilities:

  1. Suppose you need to remove white space and extract a specific part of a string:

    String str = "  Hello Java  ";
    String trimmedAndSub = str.trim().substring(6);

    This code first removes leading and trailing spaces with trim() and then extracts the substring beginning at index '6' of the trimmed string, outputting "Java".


The substring() method in Java is a versatile tool that enhances text manipulation capabilities. Master the use of this method to handle strings in your Java applications more effectively. Through the guided examples and scenarios provided, harness the power of string manipulation to develop cleaner, more efficient Java code. Manage strings with confidence, extract necessary parts, and combine substring() with other methods to address complex string handling tasks.