Java Program to Check if a string contains a substring

Updated on December 16, 2024
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In Java programming, string manipulation is a fundamental concept that is frequently utilized in various applications and systems. Checking if a string contains a specific substring is a common operation that can be crucial for tasks such as data validation, parsing, or conditional executions based on text content.

In this article, you will learn how to check if a string contains a substring in Java. You'll explore multiple methods, including the use of standard library functions and handling edge cases effectively. By the end of this piece, you'll be equipped to efficiently implement substring checks in Java using different techniques.

Utilizing the contains() Method

The simplest and most direct way to check for the presence of a substring within a string in Java is by using the contains() method available in the String class. This method returns a boolean value: true if the sequence of char values is found, or false otherwise.

Basic Usage of contains()

  1. Define a base string in which you want to search for the substring.

  2. Use the contains() method by passing the substring you want to find.

    String baseString = "Hello, welcome to the Java guide!";
    boolean result = baseString.contains("Java");
    System.out.println("Does the string contain 'Java'? " + result);

    This code snippet will output true because the substring "Java" is present in the base string.

Consider Case Sensitivity

  1. Consider that the contains() method is case-sensitive.

  2. To perform a case-insensitive search, convert both strings (the base string and the substring) to the same case (either upper or lower) using toLowerCase() or toUpperCase() methods before calling contains().

    String baseString = "Hello, welcome to the JAVA guide!";
    String subString = "java";
    boolean result = baseString.toLowerCase().contains(subString.toLowerCase());
    System.out.println("Does the string contain 'java'? " + result);

    This code will also return true, ensuring the substring check is case-insensitive.

Using indexOf() Method

The indexOf() method of the String class can also determine whether a substring exists within a string. It returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring, or -1 if the substring is not found.

Implementing Substring Check with indexOf()

  1. Use indexOf() to find the position of the substring in the string.

  2. Check if the returned index is greater than -1, which indicates the substring is present.

    String baseString = "Searching within strings in Java";
    int result = baseString.indexOf("Java");
    boolean found = result >= 0;
    System.out.println("Is 'Java' found within the string? " + found);

    This example will print true because "Java" is present in the string.

Using Regular Expressions with matches()

For more complex substring detection scenarios, Java's matches() method can be utilized along with regular expressions. This method checks if the string matches the expression provided.

Using Regular Expressions to Detect Substring

  1. Use the matches() method with a regex pattern that includes the substring you are checking for.

  2. Notice that matches() checks the entire string against the pattern, so include wildcard characters to match any part of the string.

    String baseString = "Java development is versatile";
    boolean result = baseString.matches(".*Java.*");
    System.out.println("Does the string match 'Java'? " + result);

    This outputs true because .* allows for any characters (including none) before and after "Java". This regex effectively checks for the presence of "Java" anywhere in the string.


Checking if a string contains a specific substring is a common task in Java programming, essential for many applications from web development to data processing. By understanding and implementing the methods discussed—contains(), indexOf(), and matches()—you possess powerful tools for string manipulation in Java. Each method offers different advantages depending on the context and specific requirements of your application. Use these techniques to enhance your ability to handle and manipulate strings accurately and efficiently in Java.