Python str index() - Find Substring Index

Updated on November 26, 2024
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The index() method in Python is a useful string method for finding the starting index of a substring within a string. This method raises an exception if the substring is not found, making it distinguishable from similar methods like find(), which returns -1 when the substring is not present. The index() method ensures robust error handling in Python scripts that require precise string manipulations.

In this article, you will learn how to effectively use the index() method to locate substrings within strings. Explore practical examples that demonstrate how to handle exceptions gracefully and efficiently utilize this function to enhance string processing in your Python applications.

Finding Substring with index()

Basic Usage of index()

  1. Define a string you want to search.

  2. Specify the substring whose index you need to find.

  3. Call the index() method to locate the first occurrence of the substring.

    full_string = "Hello, welcome to Python."
    substring = "welcome"
    index_position = full_string.index(substring)

    This code finds the index of the substring "welcome" in the string "Hello, welcome to Python.". It prints 7, indicating that "welcome" starts at index 7.

Handling Nonexistent Substrings

  1. Prepare to catch exceptions when the substring isn’t found in the string.

  2. Use a try...except block to handle ValueError, which is raised by index().

        result = full_string.index("goodbye")
    except ValueError:
        result = "Substring not found"

    In this example, the search for "goodbye" raises a ValueError because "goodbye" is not in the string. The exception is caught, and the message "Substring not found" is displayed.

Using Start and End Parameters

  1. Utilize the optional start and end parameters to limit the search to a segment of the string.

  2. Set these parameters to define the desired slice of the string for the search.

    full_string = "Hello, welcome to Python. Welcome again!"
    substring = "welcome"
    limited_search = full_string.index(substring, 10)  # Start searching from index 10

    Here, the search begins at index 10. It finds "Welcome" (case-sensitive search might be required for different outcomes) in "Welcome again!" part, displaying its starting index.


The index() method in Python is a robust tool for identifying the position of substrains within strings. By using this method, you ensure that your string parsing tasks handle cases where the substring may not exist, thereby preventing runtime errors. Implement the strategies discussed in this article to make your string handling in Python more efficient and error-free. Utilize this method in various programming scenarios to maintain clarity and functionality in your code.