How to Provision Vultr Bare Metal Instances

Updated on September 23, 2024

Vultr Bare Metal instances are single-tenant dedicated cloud servers designed for applications with the most demanding performance and security requirements. Bare Metal instances don't use any virtualization and include an operating system that enables you to run applications on the specified server hardware.

Follow this guide to provision Vultr Bare Metal instances using the Vultr Customer Portal, API, and CLI.

  • Vultr Customer Portal
  • Vultr API
  • Vultr CLI
  1. Navigate to Products and select Compute on the list of product options.

    Navigate to Products

  2. Click Deploy to access the Deploy New Instance page.

    Deploy a new instance

  3. Select Bare Metal from the list of options.

    Select Bare Metal

  4. Choose your desired Vultr location to deploy the Bare Metal instance.

    Select a Vultr Location

  5. Select a cloud image to install on your instance based on the following options:

    • Operating System: Installs a fresh operating system image on the instance.

      Instance OS

    • Marketplace Apps: Install a prebuilt software stack or application with the recommended operating system image.

      Instance Marketplace apps

    • iPXE: Allows you to boot your instance using remote disk images or scripts.


  6. Select your Bare Metal instance specifications from the list of available Vultr plans.

    Choose Instance Type

  7. Select the Bare Metal instance Disk configuration.

    Bare Metal Disk Configuration

  8. Select optional Additional Features to enable on the instance.

    Enable Additional Features

    • IPV6: Assigns a public IPV6 address to the Bare Metal instance.
    • Virtual Private Cloud: Enables a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network interface on the Bare Metal instance.
    • Virtual Private Cloud 2.0: Enables a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) 2.0 network interface on the Bare Metal instance.
    • Limited User Login: Enables a non-root user linuxuser with sudo privileges as the default user instead of root.
  9. Optional: Choose an SSH key from your Vultr account or add a new key to enable on the instance instance.

    Enable SSH Keys

  10. Enter a new hostname in the Server Hostname field and a descriptive label in the Server Label field to apply on the instance.

    Set the Server Hostname and Label

  11. View the cost summary and click Deploy Now to create the instance in your Vultr account.

    View Instance Summary

  1. Send a POST request to the Create Bare Metal Instance endpoint to create a new instance with a specific plan, operating system, and hostname in a specific Vultr location.

    $ curl "" \
      -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      --data '{
        "region" : "<regions>",
        "plan" : "<baremetal-plan>",
        "label" : "<label>",
        "app_id" : 3,
        "enable_ipv6" : true

    Visit the Create Bare Metal Instance API page to view additional attributes to apply on the Bare Metal instance.

  1. Create a new Bare Metal instance with a specific plan, operating system, and hostname in a specific Vultr location.

    $ vultr-cli bare-metal create --region <vultr-location> --os <os-id> --plan <baremetl-plan> --label <instance-label> --hostname <hostname>

    Run vultr-cli bare-metal create --help to view additional options to apply on the Bare Metal instance.


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