Python Program to Display the multiplication Table

Updated on November 22, 2024
Display the multiplication table header image


Python offers an intuitive way to perform and display mathematical operations, such as generating a multiplication table. Multiplication tables are fundamental in learning arithmetic and are commonly used in educational settings to help students understand and visualize the process of multiplication. These tables also serve as a practical example of nested loops in programming.

In this article, you will learn how to create a Python program to display the multiplication table. Through clear examples, understand how loops work in generating these tables, and see how to format the output to make the tables easy to read.

Displaying a Basic Multiplication Table

Define the Range and Multiplicand

  1. Start by deciding the size of the multiplication table - typically, tables go from 1 to 10.

  2. Set the number (multiplicand) for which you want the multiplication table.

    multiplicand = 5
    for i in range(1, 11):
        result = multiplicand * i
        print(f"{multiplicand} x {i} = {result}")

    This script prints the multiplication table for 5. The loop iterates through numbers 1 to 10, multiplying each by 5 and printing the result.

Format the Output for Clarity

  1. Ensure the output is well-formatted so that the numbers align properly, making the table easy to read, especially for larger tables.

    multiplicand = 5
    for i in range(1, 11):
        result = multiplicand * i
        print(f"{multiplicand:2} x {i:2} = {result:2}")

    Here, :2 in the format string ensures that numbers align correctly by allotting 2 spaces for each number.

Creating a Full Multiplication Table

Generate a Table for All Numbers up to a Limit

  1. To display a complete multiplication table, use nested loops—one to iterate through the base numbers and another for the multipliers.

    for multiplicand in range(1, 11):
        for multiplier in range(1, 11):
            result = multiplicand * multiplier
            print(f"{multiplicand} x {multiplier} = {result}", end='\t')
        print()  # Adds a newline after each row

    This example uses a nested loop to generate a complete 10x10 multiplication table. The end='\t' adds a tab after each multiplication result for better spacing, and the print() at the end of the outer loop inserts a newline after each row.

Enhance Readability with Headers

  1. Add headers to the table to clearly define multipliers and multiplicands.

    print("      ", end='')
    for header in range(1, 11):
        print(f"{header:2}", end='  ')
    print("     " + ("--- " * 10))
    for multiplicand in range(1, 11):
        print(f"{multiplicand:2} | ", end='')
        for multiplier in range(1, 11):
            result = multiplicand * multiplier
            print(f"{result:2}", end='  ')

    This script enhances the table by adding a top row of headers (1-10) and a column on the left for each row's multiplicand. The headers help distinguish the values for easy reference.


Creating a multiplication table in Python is an excellent exercise for understanding loops and formatting output. By implementing the given examples, you can generate tables of any size and style them for better readability. Use these techniques to create versatile and user-friendly multiplication applications for educational or practice purposes in Python programming. Use various configurations and formatting options to customize the table according to your needs.